I am professor at IMT Atlantique (France) and member of the LS2N/Inria STACK team. My main interests are related to operating system and distributed systems. I serve on several PCs in the Cloud and Energy-aware computing area. From 2022, I am the deputy Director of the Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes (LS2N) UMR CNRS 6004.
My researches focus on energy aware distributed systems, in particular on workload placement, scheduling and renewable energies in datacenters. In this context, I proposed dynamic consolidation systems for virtualized environment using the constraint programming approach.
Around this topic, I am also involved in the security, scaling and validation of cloud IaaS management system (virtualization, container) and recently, IoT and Blockchain. I am the author or co-author of more than 80 international publications.
A technology transfer has enhanced his research, by the EasyVirt start'up creation in 2011, a young innovative enterprise specialized in the data center management and optimization. At the end of 2021, the company deployed its DCScope software in more than 300 companies.
STACK Team, IMT Atlantique, INRIA, LS2N
STACK Team, IMT Atlantique, INRIA, LS2N
Deputy-head of the ASCOLA Team, EMN, INRIA, LS2N
Deputy-head of the computer science department
The Order of Academic Palms is a national order of France for distinguished academics and figures in the world of culture and education.
Adaptation dynamique et transparente de systemes patrimoniaux complexes
Reviewers : Yolande Berbers, Christine Morin, Brigitte Plateau
Systeme de Caches Cooperatifs pour les Systemes d'Informations a Grande Echelle
Directors : Michel Banatre and Valerie Issarny.
Reviewers : Jean-Pierre Courtiat, Serge Fdida
Langage de description d'applications paralleles a granularite variable
Director : Bertil Folliot
Courses | 2008/09 | 2009/10 | 2010/11 | 2011/12 | 2012/13 | 2013/14 | 2014/15 |
Operating system | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 120 | 120 |
Embedded systems | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | - | - |
Cloud and GreenIT | - | - | 10 | 20 | 20 | 40 | 40 |
AOP | 20 | 20 | 10 | - | - | - | - |
Project/Supervision | 30 | 30 | 20 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 60 |
Others | 50 | 30 | 20 | - | 10 | 10 | 30 |
Responsibilities | 20 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 40 | - | - |
Total | 200 | 180 | 150 | 150 | 200 | 230 | 250 |
Operating system courses teach students much more when they provide hands-on kernel-level project experience with a real operating system. To address this challenge, we created a complete kernel development environment in which operating systems can be developed, debugged, and rebooted in the eclipse framework in conjunction to qemu. The system to be developped is named sextant (sextant.menaud.fr)
The goal of this module is to provide a global view on techniques and practices of cloud computing with a focus on energy efficiency in large scale distributed systems. Topics include cloud computing principals, X as a service virtualization, and current issues of advanced research in energy efficiency. This course will be supplemented by practical work (VMWare ESXi) that will enable students to develop their own algorithm for power management.
With the emergence of the Future
Internet and the dawning of new IT models such as cloud computing,
the usage of data center and the associated electrical power
consumption increase dramatically. A finely ernegy and power
management becomes one of the main challenges for data
center infrastructures.
Software solutions from EasyVirt Technologies can help you to control your infrastructure, with robust solutions designed to supervision, provision, control, assure, secure, and optimize your stand-alone virtual, physical or hybrid infrastructure.
L’objectif du projet PicNic est de permettre le transfert de très grands volumes de données de manière efficace entre centres de données.
The Kabuto project aims to develop a software solution allowing the reservation and deployment IoT and Edge devices to HPC nodes.
SysMics Toward Systems Medicine based on Genomics.
The SeDuCe project (Sustainable Data Centers: Bring Sun, Wind and Cloud Back Together), aims to design an experimental infrastructure dedicated to the study of data centers with low energy footprint. More here
The SeDuCe++ project aims to buy IoT/Edge devices (ESP32, Robot, Raspberry Pi)
The HYDDA project aims to develop a software solution allowing the deployment of Big Data applications (with hybrid design (HPC/CLoud)) on heterogeneous platforms (cluster, Grid, private Cloud) and orchestrators (Task scheduler like Slurm, Virtual orchestrator (like Nova for OpenStack or Swarm for Docker). The mains challenges addressed by the project are:
EPOC (Energy Proportional and Opportunistic Computing systems) aims at focusing on energy-aware task execution from the hardware to application's components in the context of a mono-site data center (all resources are in the same physical location) which is connected to the regular electric Grid and to renewable energy sources (such as windmills or solar cells). More here
SyMeTRIC is a regional federated project in Systems Medicine funded by the Pays de la Loire french region. Systems Medicine approaches can be compared to Systems Biology. They aim at integrating several information sources to design and validate bio-models and biomarkers to anticipate and enhance patients following (diagnosis, treatment response prediction, prognosis). More here
The Hosanna project aims to scientifically and technically addresses the problem of deploying applications on a distributed multi-cloud virtual infrastructure (private cloud, Amazon, OVH, CloudWatt, Numergy etc.).
A turnkey OpenSource private cloud solution for high availability and low energy consumption.
OpenCloudware aims at building an open software engineering platform, for the collaborative development of distributed applications to be deployed on multiple Cloud infrastructures.
The COST IC 0840 Action will propose realistic energy-efficient alternate solutions to share IT distributed resources
Trans-Energy research program aims to develop scientific and disruptive technologies advances in the field of sustainable development : limit the use of fossil fuels and GHG emissions associated, promote the development of low-carbon energy. In this project, Mines Nantes developed smart energy sensors.
The Cheddar project aims to provide a clever heat dissipation for data center to reduce their energy consumption.
The Entropy project is an (industrial) ANR/Emergence project running for 18 months. The objective of this project is to conduct studies on economic feasibility (market, status, intellectual property, website) for creating an industrial business around the Entropy software
The Cool-IT project is an (industrial) FUI project running for 24 months. The objective of this project is to design systems adapted to new standards of "Green IT" to reduce the data centers electrical consumption.
The objective of the MyCloud project is to define and implement a SLAaaS (SLA aware Service). The SLAaaS model enriches the general paradigm of Cloud Computing, and enables systematic and transparent integration of service levels and SLA to the cloud from IaaS to SaaS.
The SelfXL project is an ANR/ARPEGE project running for 36 months. The SelfXL project aims at investigating abstractions and implementation techniques (language mechanisms, runtime structures...) for complex and large-scale autonomic systems
Selfware goal is to propose a software infrastructure enabling the building of distributed applications under autonomic administration
The objective of Arantele project is to explore and design new development tools for programming computational grids